I know this is long overdue, but I wanted you all to meet the very cool composer Nathaniel Levisay and the soundtrack "THE TOY SOLDIERS" on Howlin' Wolf Records. I wanted to thank him and my friend Zach for helping getting this together and the rest of the Howlin' Wolf team. You can check out the soundtrack from Howlin' Wolf and maybe you can pick up it for yourself. Jeremy [The Wolf]
Jeremy [The Wolf]: Tell us how you came to work on the score "The Toy Soldiers" and how do you find your inspirations for a project you chose to do? Nathaniel Levisay: I found Toy Soldiers by reading about it somewhere in the trades, if I remember correctly. I saw that Najarra Townsend was playing one of the lead roles in the film and I knew her from a film we worked on together years before called, DAWNING. I reached out to her and asked if she would introduce me to the director, Erik Peter Carlson, (and to please put in a good word for me). She did and then Erik and I took it from there. He asked me to demo the project and then officially brought me on board. Inspiration comes when I sit down with the film and start to work. There are other seeds of inspiration before and during the process -- it could be some key art work or a promo poster for the film, discussions with the director or in this case, personally growing up in the 1980s and drawing upon my own experiences and memories.